St. Bonaventure University

教育学院 2023春季论坛

The 教育学院's Spring Forum was held April 19, 2023, and featured two one-hour Zoom sessions.


Watch a recording of 2023春季论坛

密码:# dV8 = Zp4


Session 1: Restorative Wellness, Remembering Your Why and Prioritizing Your "I"
St. 博纳文蒂尔咨询学院的教师介绍了恢复性健康和恢复性弹性模型,以帮助参与者减压和联系. 这个互动展示邀请参与者参加一些正念活动,同时也集体分享“知道你为什么”的神话,以及弹性和不照顾自己之间的区别. 

  • Session 2: The Art of Teacher Retention: Culture and Communication
    Teacher retention remains a most vexing problem and challenge for schools. Darling-Hammond(2013)报告说,促进学生成绩的最重要的资源是教师质量. This workshop focused on organizational practices, 创建学校文化环境的策略和支持系统,教师希望留在这个行业.
