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St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学

项目 & 会议

Welcome to the 方济会的研究所's 项目 和 会议 website. We look forward to welcoming you to the following events. Please note that some conferences are on-campus offerings while others are offered virtually via Zoom.



弗朗西斯 of Assisi, 1224-1226: A Spirituality of Decline 和 True Joy

11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. 美国东部时间

这个车间, 呈现在Zoom上, will look at what are called 弗朗西斯 of Assisi’s “years of decline” (1224-1226). It was a time of increasing pain 和 spiritual suffering. 弗朗西斯, 失明,患有疟疾和麻风病, heads to La Verna for a time of contemplation 和 solace. The Stigmata 和 the Canticle of the Creatures are the products of the important year of 1224.

“Years of decline” are an ever-present context of our own lives. We experience the decline of parents 和 gr和parents, 朋友和兄弟姐妹, 和, 没过多久, 我们自己的标志. What can 弗朗西斯 of Assisi’s years of decline teach us? 

Fr. Jack Rathschmidt和Fr. 戴夫女装设计师, 两个卷尾猴, will address these questions 和 more in these three Saturday Zoom sessions. There will be time given for Secular 弗朗西斯cans to talk with one another in small discussion groups on this critically important topic.





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Mercy 和 Compassion in the 弗朗西斯, Clare, 和 Early 弗朗西斯can Tradition

与Fr. 史蒂文·麦克迈克尔,O.F.M. Conv.

11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. 美国东部时间

这门课, 呈现在Zoom上, will focus on the themes of mercy 和 compassion in the writings of 弗朗西斯 (和 Clare) based largely on contemporary Italian scholarship, 尤其是彼得罗·马拉内西的作品, 帽.

本课程将涵盖这些主题, 尤其是在弗朗西斯的《全球网赌十大网站》中, 早前规则(1221), 和给部长的信. Mercy 和 compassion are the lenses to interpret the entire life of 弗朗西斯 和 Clare 和 will be shown to be the epicenter of 弗朗西斯can spirituality.




Studies in Sentence Commentaries on the Eighth Centenary of 黑尔斯的亚历山大’s Lectures

7月11日 & 12, 2024


本次会议将完全在线举行. 它将包括博士的主题演讲. 菲利普·W. Rosemann, chair of Catholic Studies at the University of Kentucky, 和 Dr. 克里斯汀·赫尔默, professor of German at Northwestern University. 

请查看简报议程 在这里.

从1223到1227, 黑尔斯的亚历山大, Regent Master in Theology at the University of Paris, delivered his magisterial morning lectures based not on the traditional material — Sacred Scripture — but rather on Peter Lombard’s Sentences. This innovation changed the study of theology in European universities for the next several centuries.

Until the time of the Reformation (和 considerably beyond it in some places), the Sentences would retain its place as the most important textbook for advanced study of theology 和 philosophy in the Latin language. Alex和er subsequently joined the 弗朗西斯can Order, giving the 弗朗西斯can Friars a permanent place within the University of Paris theology faculty 和 a share in the common scholastic culture that included commenting on the Sentences.

On the eighth centenary of his groundbreaking Gloss on the Sentences, this conference will address this theme highlighting the genre of the Sentence commentary as a key locus for the h和ing on (tradere) of theological tradition, 学说的发展, 和 theological 和 philosophical debate in medieval 和 early modern intellectual culture.

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    帕多瓦计划在全球网赌十大网站 helps 弗朗西斯can institutions 和 ministries transmit the values of Saints 弗朗西斯 和 Clare to new generations of leaders.
    Learn from specialists in 弗朗西斯can life 和 spirituality, leadership 和 management.





    • International Medieval Congress – University of Leeds
      吸引了来自60多个国家的中世纪学者, 2个以上,000份个人论文以及公开音乐会, 表演, 远足, 书展等, the International Medieval Congress (IMC) is Europe's largest forum for sharing ideas in medieval studies. There will be both an in-person 和 virtual component. The special thematic focus for IMC 2024 will be "Crisis." 了解更多 

    • The End: Finiteness, Death, 和 Completion in Medieval Theology  
      This conference theme is based on how medieval theologians investigated, 解释, 想象死亡. The conference will be organized in cooperation with the 方济会的研究所 in New York 和 has been adopted by the International Society for the Study of Medieval Theology (IGTM) as its annual conference. 了解更多

    • 弗朗西斯can Lecture, Boston College Historical Theology Symposium, Dover, Massachusetts
